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- From ParaNet.Information.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (sm) Sun Jul 19 23:12:10 1992
- Path: igor.rutgers.edu!rutgers!ub!csn!scicom!paranet!p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG!ParaNet(sm).Information.Service
- From: ParaNet.Information.Service@p0.f428.n104.z1.FIDONET.ORG (sm)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors
- Subject: MJ-12 The Ultimate Secret??
- Message-ID: <139252.2A6A32EA@paranet.FIDONET.ORG>
- Date: 20 Jul 92 03:12:10 GMT
- Sender: ufgate@paranet.FIDONET.ORG (newsout1.26)
- Organization: FidoNet node 1:104/428.0 - <ParaNet(sm) , Arvada CO
- Lines: 135
- * Forwarded from "ParaNet UFO Echo"
- * Originally from ParaNet(sm) Information Service
- * Originally dated 07-19-92 20:05
- Below is another contribution from the Phoenix Project, a mysterious
- group located in Carson City, Nevada. This file details some new
- information concerning MJ-12. As before, ParaNet makes no claims to
- the accuracy or validity of the information. It is being provided for
- information only and is not to be construed as an endorsement by
- ParaNet. This document also gets a similar rating of highly
- unreliable as the previous documents concerning Dulce, New Mexico and
- the K-2 alien base. The reader will note that the author appears to
- be unfamiliar with the major players as they note that the person in
- charge of the underground hangar facility is William C. Cooper. They
- go on to state that this person is the famous UFOlogist that we love
- and admire so much, Milton "Bilkum" William Cooper. Obviously, they
- are either way off base with their accuracy, or they have deliberately
- done this to throw us off the scent as to who the real authors of this
- material are. It does bear a strange resemblance to Cooper's
- allegations. It would not surprise ParaNet to find that deep beneath
- the public layer of the Phoenix Project we might find John Grace, John
- Lear and of course, Bill Cooper. If not, then someone closely related
- to them coming at us under a new name, of course, since the other
- names have been so hopelessly trashed.
- So, with that in mind, let's proceed . . .
- The contributor of this file can be contacted
- via CompuServe, E-mail at PPN 72730.3636
- [ultsec.doc] transmitted as ultsec.txt and ultsec.zip
- The "Phoenix Project Reports"
- Are Published By
- P.O. Box 3748
- Carson City, NV 89702
- Entire Contents Copyright (c) 1992
- by
- The Phoenix Project
- Logo
- A Registered Trademark (tm)
- Permission to quote is granted provided
- the Phoenix Project is acknowledged as the source
- and the Report Title and Date are included in any quotes.
- Reproduction of any Phoenix Project Report or Logo, in
- any formor by any means, is not permissible without written
- authorization from the publisher
- [ Contributor's Note: Permission is
- granted to forward this text file to
- any Bulletin Board service providing
- that nothing is deleted and that all
- copyright rules are followed. ]
- - - - - - - - - -
- The Phoenix Project is a private, civilian, research organization
- formed in 1952 to investigate and correlate information concerning
- Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and Extra-Terrestrial (ET)
- activities. It has no affiliation with the United States Government or
- any of its agencies. Because of the nature of its work the Phoenix
- Project does not seek publicity.
- Staff members are former military personnel who have all been
- associated with intelligence activities, and have knowledge of covert
- government operations concerning UFO's. Their knowledge of the
- specialized field of "intelligence correlation," provide unique
- insights into various subject matter.
- From time-to-time and in the public interest, the Phoenix Project
- will publish research reports regarding certain subjects. A list of
- reports is available from our publisher. All correspondence should be
- addressed to:
- The Phoenix Project
- C/O Advent Publishing Company
- P.O. Box 3748
- Carson City, NV 89702
- The name "Phoenix" is used by many different publishers and
- organizations as a part of the name used in their various
- publications.
- To avoid any false association with or confusion that might be caused
- by a similar name, all publications of the "Phoenix Project" bear the
- Project's Logo (a registered trade-mark) and are published exclusively
- by Advent Publishing Company. The "Phoenix Project" is not affiliated
- with any other publication, publisher, organization or group.
- In particular, there is no affiliation with a publisher known as
- America West, any of its publications, or the individuals known as
- George and Desiree Green, all of Tehachapi, California.
- - - - - -
- Origination, 8/4/89
- Revision 1, 7/24/91
- Revision 2, 5/5/92
- A Special Report and Overview
- Prepared by The Phoenix Project
- The Top Secret Operation Majestic-12 was established by order of
- President Harry S. Truman in 1947. Operation Majestic-12, was created
- to take charge of the technical, sociological and other aspects of the
- crashed UFOs and the small alien occupants, dead or alive, that were
- recovered. In later years this operation evolved into and became known
- as MAJI (the Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence). MAGI is the most
- secret of all intelligence groups and out-ranks all other intelligence
- agencies including the National Security Agency (NSA) and the Central
- Intelligence Agency (CIA). MAJI is responsible directly and "only" to
- the President of the United States.
- The TOP SECRET / MAJI project control group is responsible for
- every aspect of interface with the alien lifeforms including security
- and intelligence, and disinformation to prevent public or foreign
- disclosure of the alien presence. (This is why all documents referring
- to "MJ-12" or any other form of that name are wrong). MAJI is
- on-going in Washington DC.
- MAJIC: Is the security classification of all MAJI and Aquarius
- information. MAJIC means "MAJI CONTROLLED." MAJIC is the highest
- security classification in the nation.
- MJ-1: DIRECTOR OF MAJI. The Director of the CIA is usually MJ-1
- and reports only to the President. Other members of MAJI are
- designated MJ-2, MJ-3, MJ-4, etc. This is the reason MJ-12 cannot be
- used as a name for the control group as it would cause confusion in
- meaning, i.e., (Is it referring to MJ-12 the person or MJ-12 the
- group.) Any reference to MJ-12 is to a person and nothing else.
- References and documents referring to "MJ-12" as a "Group" are
- incorrect.
- MAJI, originally was known as Majestic-12, a group consisting of
- twelve members. This group was made up of a team representing selected
- government officials, U.S. intelligence personnel, highly trained
- scientists, business executives and military personnel. All were sworn
- to total secrecy. MAJI has continued its covert activities with the
- knowledge and consent of the last eight Presidents. (See Exhibit 1,
- part of the briefing papers for president-elect Eisenhower.)
- The group continues to function today and has had the
- responsibility of establishing an ongoing relationship dating from
- 1964, with UFO beings (the Greys) from the third planet of the star
- system Zeta Reticuli.
- Information forwarded to and the activity of MAJI has always been
- assigned an Above "Top Secret classification," known as MAJIC. MAJI,
- to conceal its existence, adopted the cover name of "Majestic-12." It
- created numerous covert and compartmented sub-divisions such as
- Projects Aquarius, Sigma, Snowbird and Garnet, to name a few. These
- projects were sheltered by MAJI and directed by select personnel of
- the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the National Security Agency
- (NSA).
- By secret Executive Memorandum NSC 5410, Eisenhower had preceded
- NSC 5412/1 in 1954 to establish a permanent committee to be known as
- Majority Twelve to oversee and conduct all covert activities concerned
- with the alien question. NSC 5412/1 was created to explain the purpose
- of these meetings when Congress and the news media became curious.
- Majority Twelve was made up of Nelson Rockefeller, the director of the
- CIA Allen Welsh Dulles, the Secretary of State John Foster Dulles, the
- Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson, the Chairman of the Joint
- Chiefs of Staff Admiral Arthur W. Radford, the Director of the FBI J.
- Edgar Hoover, and six men from the executive committee of the Council
- on Foreign Relations known as the "Wise Men." These men were all
- members of a secret society of scholars that called themselves "The
- Jason Society," or "The Jason Scholars" who recruited their members
- from the "Skull and Bones" and the "Scroll and Key" societies of
- Harvard and Yale.
- The "Wise Men" were key members of the Council on Foreign
- Relations. There were twelve members including the first six from
- Government positions thus Majority Twelve. This group was made up over
- the years of the top officers and directors of the Council on Foreign
- Relations and later the Trilateral Commission. Gordon Dean, George
- Bush, and Zbigniew Brzezinski were among them. The most important and
- influential of the "Wise Men" who served on Majestic-12 were John
- McCloy, Robert Lovett, Averell Harriman, Charles Bohlen, George
- Kennan, and Dean Acheson. It is significant that President Eisenhower
- as well as the first six Majestic-12 members from the Government were
- also members of the Council on Foreign Relations. However, not all the
- "Wise Men" attended Harvard or Yale and not all of them were chosen
- from the "Skull and Bones" or "Scroll and Key" membership during their
- college years. [{Research indicates that various members were chosen
- on an ongoing basis by invitation based upon merit and was not
- confined to those who had attended only Harvard or Yale}] Further
- information regarding this can be obtained from the book "The Wise
- Men" by Walter Issacson and Even Thomas, Simon and Schuster, New York.
- A chosen few were later initiated into the Jason Society. They are
- all members of the Council on Foreign Relations and at that time were
- known as the "Eastern Establishment." The Jason Society is alive and
- well today but has expanded to include members of the Trilateral
- Commission as well. The Trilateralists' existed secretly several years
- before 1973. The name of the Trilateral Commission was taken from the
- alien flag known as the "Trilateral Insignia." See Exhibit 10A The
- Jason Society.
- In 1947 and again in the early 1950's, Army and Air Force military
- units -- on direct orders from the Pentagon -- rushed to various sites
- of UFO crashes located in the Southwestern part of the United States
- and carted away the unearthly remains. Remains consisting of both
- crashed UFOs and their alien occupants. The 1947 events prompted the
- creation of Operation Majestic-12 by President Truman.
- The wreckage and dead bodies obtained from these early crash
- retrievals were originally stored at Wright Patterson Air Force Base,
- Dayton, Ohio. According to military sources who later went against
- orders and decided to talk, Hangar 18 was used for this purpose. All
- reports of crashed UFOs and extraterrestrial contacts have always
- bypassed normal reporting procedures and channels of the military, and
- other intelligence agencies. Instead, they were sent directly to
- Project Aquarius. (See Exhibits 2 and 3).
- All "hard" information regarding UFOs was routed directly to
- Operation Majestic-12. This explains why other intelligence agencies
- and Project Bluebook, [the official and public Air Force investigative
- activity] never received this information or knew about crashed UFOs,
- recovered spacecraft, or alien beings.
- In later years, a joint CIA/AF covert operation, using six C-124
- aircraft, recovered the wreckage, instruments, dead bodies and alien
- artifacts of crashed UFOs from Wright Patterson and other Air Force
- bases, world-wide, and moved them to a newly-built, underground,
- storage facility at Edwards Air Force, California. The entrance to
- this underground facility is through a hangar located at the end of
- the same runway now used by NASA's space shuttles. According to
- eye-witness testimony, the CIA agent in charge of this covert
- operation, wearing the uniform of an AF Colonel, was William C.
- Cooper.
- Note: The information in the preceding paragraph was supplied by an
- eye-witness who participated in the covert operation described,
- working side-by-side with the CIA agent in charge. This witness
- testifies that this is the same William C. Cooper, who has been
- prominent since 1988 in the civilian UFO movement.
- The Ultimate Secret, is that MAJI and the U.S. government has in
- its possession spaceships manufactured on other worlds, as well as the
- occupants of those interstellar crafts. And, that since 1964, has
- maintained radio contact with the aliens through Project Sigma. They
- have also entered into various technical and "trade agreements" with
- the beings from Zeta Reticuli, named the Greys. (See Exhibit 4).
- Note: Communication with the Greys (by Project Sigma) has been an
- accomplished fact since April of 1964. Therefore, the NASA sponsored
- "SETI" Program (The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) is
- merely being used as another method to provide covert funding for MAJI
- projects under the guise of a legitimate program. (See Exhibit 5).
- The Greys, as their part of the trade agreements, were to provide
- MAJI and the U.S. government with various forms of advanced
- technology. In exchange, the Greys are provided with secret bases of
- operation within the United States; bases protected by the Greys and
- U.S. Military forces. In exchange, MAJI agreed to conceal all
- knowledge of their presence.
- Part of the "trade agreements" was an exchange program that allowed
- the aliens to abduct U.S. Citizens for experimental medical,
- psychological and genetic research purposes -- the Grey's were to
- provide lists of persons abducted to the National Security Agency
- (NSA), for later government follow-up if such persons, when released,
- required medical assistance or psychological adjustment.
- During 1972-1973, a period of two years, an area South of Groom
- Lake (one of the nation's most secret test centers in Nevada) was
- closed and a huge underground facility was constructed for and with
- the help of the Greys. This facility was built South of Area-51 in
- another location named Area-S4. This location is just east of, and
- adjacent to the Nevada Atomic Test site.
- The bargained for technology was set in place, but could only be
- operated by the Grey's themselves, to prevent their advanced
- technology being used against them. Another secret underground base
- was provided the Greys in a location known as the "Ice Caves" near the
- Los Alamos Laboratory Facility in New Mexico. Over a period of the
- next six years, four more secret bases were provided the Greys in
- other isolated areas of the United States.
- During the years 1979 through 1983, it became increasingly obvious
- to MAJI that things were not going as planned. It became known that
- many more people (in the thousands) were being abducted than were
- being listed on the official abduction list. The list the Greys were
- supplying the National Security Council, and MAJI. It was apparent
- that the abductions included much more than the simple monitoring
- experiments of an advanced civilization.
- In late 1979, things had gotten almost entirely out of hand when it
- became known that the Greys had implanted a tiny probe, 3mm. in size,
- into the brains of certain abductees before releasing them. MAJI
- investigators determined the probe could be used to hypnotically and
- telepathically program and monitor the person. In addition, some
- abductees were programmed with unknown post-hypnotic commands. The
- Greys also implanted tracking devices just under the skin, on some
- abductees to monitor their movements. Attempts, by hypnosis, to
- determine the nature of the hypnotic programming and commands
- implanted by the Greys, triggered life-threatening physical symptoms
- in these individuals making these efforts unsuccessful. It was later
- discovered that the Greys were performing genetic cross-breeding
- experiments on some of the human female abductees. In 1983, MAJI
- discovered the full magnitude of the Grand Deception put over by the
- Greys. They were also shocked when the Soviet Union (USSR) admitted
- that they, too, had been deceived and that the Greys had entered into
- similar Treaties and agreements with them. MAJI was in a state of
- confusion and near panic as they realized their plans were dashed,
- along with their hopes and dreams of obtaining the Grey's technology
- and the secrets of interstellar spaceflight.
- This caused MAJI to become split along factional lines. One faction
- advocating confessing the scheme and the shambles it had become to the
- public, begging their forgiveness and asking for their support. Note:
- This faction is responsible for the leaks of sensitive information
- regarding the activities of Operation Majestic-12. The other faction
- rejected this saying there was no way they could do that, even though
- the situation was untenable, stating there was no use in alarming the
- public of either country with the horrible truth.
- This second faction won out and their plan to develop a weapon that
- could be used against the Greys was accepted by the Soviet Union.
- Under the guise of "SDI," (a joint US/Soviet effort) the Strategic
- Defense Initiative (Star Wars), this weapon was developed. SDI, has
- nothing whatever to do with a defense against Soviet nuclear missiles.
- The nick-name "Star Wars" was closer to the truth than the uninformed
- public realized.
- The "alarm," publicly expressed by the Soviet Union regarding SDI,
- and its opposition to the program, were all artfully crafted to
- conceal the joint nature of the program and to prevent the Greys
- learning its real purpose. The United States and the Soviet Union have
- been secret allies since 1983.
- Primarily, SDI is a weapon for use against the Greys' underground
- bases or any attempted invasion from space. However, to achieve
- funding from Congress and support from the people, and to conceal its
- real nature from the Greys, it had to be presented as a defense
- against a nuclear strike from the USSR.
- The Soviet equivalent of MAJI used the same technique, the
- development of a weapon to protect their country from a U.S. nuclear
- strike, to obtain covert funding for the joint effort.
- The threat from the Greys is taken so seriously by MAJI, that
- President Reagan adamantly refused any concessions on SDI. He
- continued to vigorously pursue its development, and deployment, in
- spite of uninformed scientific and congressional opposition. These
- opponents never knew its real and intended purpose.
- To accomplish the true objectives of the SDI program, MAJI created
- another ultra-secret project -- Project Zeus. Project Zeus is revealed
- here for the first time.
- Project Zeus, created under the umbrella of MAJI, is charged with
- the real purpose, direction, management, development and eventual
- deployment of the SDI Weapons System. It was aptly named for the
- mythical Greek God -- Zeus. Only this time, it would be an angry Zeus
- hurling laser and particle beam lightning bolts into the heavens --
- against an alien attack or, deflected by mirrors, against secret alien
- bases on the Earth.
- In 1984, President Reagan in a public address established the tone
- and seriousness of this endeavor when he deliberately, or
- inadvertently, let slip the remarks that the world may one day unite
- to fight a threat from outer space. This was followed by a series of
- subsequent remarks during the latter days of his term of office. (See
- Exhibit 7).
- The basic information revealing the existence of Operation
- Majestic-12, the crashed UFOs, alien beings, and their secret bases
- within the United States, was obtained through the Freedom of
- Information Act from the files of the CIA, NSA, FBI, State Department,
- the U.S. Air Force. Other intelligence data obtained by The Phoenix
- Project has contributed to this report.
- These documents reveal the "Above Top Secret" nature of Operation
- Majestic-12. They also verify that the scientific discovery of all
- time has been hidden from the people of Earth, and that both
- communications and relationships with extraterrestrial alien beings
- have already been achieved. And, that the radical new technology the
- Greys possess could alter human civilization overnight.
- Some of these documents obtained by various civilian researchers,
- verify the fact that we are not alone in the universe. The additional
- information contained in this report, i.e., notes and comments, and
- some of the conclusions (in the addenda) are based on intelligence
- information from other confidential sources.
- In 1980, Lt. General Daniel O. Graham -- Department of Defense
- Strategic Analyst, stated: "We need a bold new approach. We must stop
- competing with the Greys in areas where we can't win, and begin to
- compete where we have the advantage."
- The result: A book by General Graham entitled "The High Frontier,"
- and the National Security Agency (NSA) funded "Project High Frontier."
- This project used some of the nation's best engineers and development
- scientists.
- This book and the project were the "red herring" technique to sell
- the concept and proposal to Congress, scientists, and the defense and
- aerospace industries. It, supposedly, was a bold, new, defense plan
- for the United States and Western Civilization.
- This was followed by another book "The Strategy of Technology" by
- Stefan Possony and Jerry Pournelle. It should be mentioned that
- neither of these two authors dreamed their book would be used to
- further promote the purposes of MAJI and Project Zeus. Its concept was
- to abandon the doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction (MAD), in favor
- of Assured Survival, in any conflict with the USSR.
- The foregoing concepts (a Western Civilization Defense Plan) and
- the covert efforts directed against the Greys (Project Zeus)
- orchestrated by MAJI, were presented to President Ronald Reagan. That
- presentation was successful. On March 23, 1983, President Reagan made
- his famous "Star Wars" speech -- and labeled it "The Strategic Defense
- Initiative." Only in later speeches, near the end of his term in
- office, did President Reagan publicly mention the possibility of a
- hostile encounter with extraterrestrials.
- The importance of this endeavor and the serious nature of the
- threat presented by the Greys and the consequences if Project Zeus
- were aborted, explain why the President would not budge from his SDI
- position, even in the most critical of nuclear arms' reduction
- negotiations with the USSR, or critics in the scientific community and
- Congress.
- It also explains why President George Bush, still the head of MAJI,
- is continuing to press forward with the SDI project.
- According to public statements by General James Abrahamson, SDI
- Project Director, "SDI" research has turned up five ways the weapon
- system could, and would work.
- "SDI," (Project Zeus, the covert operation against any possible
- space threat, threatening action or invasion attempts by the Greys),
- "is based on two technological discoveries:
- "1) That ground-based lasers are a feasible and a likely way to
- defend a nation. Enormous lasers could be built near large
- hydro-electric plants and operational nuclear power plants, diverting
- the enormous output of these sources to laser weapons. With such
- enormous lasers and mirrors, in orbit to redirect the energy, it would
- not be necessary to "point and shoot" such weapons; you could raster
- an entire target area; sweeping the beam in a deadly conical pattern
- to eliminate any target. Planet-based laser weapons of such power
- could reach beyond the Moon to engage and destroy hostile spaceships.
- "2) Press ahead with the research, development and deployment of
- high-powered particle beam weapons from orbiting space platforms and
- ground based installations." (See Exhibit 8).
- MAJI's plans called for the funding, planning, development,
- testing, and operational aspects of Project Zeus to be concealed
- within the compartmented SDI program. NASA, without knowledge of the
- real purpose would orbit the necessary tracking and data relay
- satellites, and Department of Defense (DOD) payloads of laser mirrors.
- These SDI payloads were disguised and classified as military
- communication, spy, and navigational satellites.
- ADDENDA - continued
- On April 4, 1983, Project Zeus "got off the ground" with the maiden
- flight of the Space Shuttle Challenger -- a clear indication of the
- high-priority this project commanded. The first of the SDI Tracking
- and Data Relay Satellites (TDRS-A) was placed in orbit.
- This was followed on August 30, 1984, when the Shuttle Discovery,
- on its maiden flight, launched SYNCOM IV-2 the second communications
- satellite for the Department of Defense (DOD).
- The SYNCOM satellites are DOD's high-priority command and
- communications links with all U.S. military forces worldwide. The
- on-going NASA Missions concerned with Project Zeus and SDI, are
- identified in the attached exhibits.
- Note: It is obvious that the Greys became suspicious of the intense
- launch activity of NASA and the number of Defense Department (DOD)
- payloads being placed in orbit -- more than would logically be needed
- to counter a nuclear strike by the USSR.
- Evidence to support this is their increasing surveillance of the
- Space Shuttle missions and the reported intercept, boarding, and
- inspection of the Shuttle Discovery's cargo on 3/13/89. (See Exhibit
- 9). They must suspect the real purpose of the SDI program. If future
- SDI or DOD missions are interfered with it will confirm this premise.
- Operation Majestic-12 -- was created by the executive order of
- President Truman on September 24, 1947, and its first head was Dr.
- Vannevar Bush, the president's Chief Science Advisor. The current head
- of Majestic-12 known variously as Majority Twelve, Majority, MJ-12,
- Majority Agency for Joint Intelligence (MAJI), was Vice President and
- former CIA Director George Bush (1988). As of 1/8/89, President George
- Bush. Today, this group operates under the "public name" of the Senior
- Interagency Group (SIG).
- The organizational structure of MAJI, is as follows:
- GRUDGE/PROJECT AQUARIUS: An umbrella group consisting of MAJI, the
- CIA and the NSA in which all the various compartments dealing with
- ET-related issues perform their various functions. Under Project
- Aquarius four groups, each consisting of several hundred persons,
- conducts secret UFO investigations and research in four assigned areas
- of the United States. (See Exhibit 6)
- Separate projects under the umbrella of Project
- Aquarius are:
- PROJECT GRUDGE: This project was originally established in 1948,
- and is under the control of the CIA, NSA, and MAJI. Project Grudge
- went underground and another project, Project Sign, was created in
- December of 1947, was used as a cover operation.
- In February of 1949, Project Sign was officially abolished,
- however, unofficially it continued its operations until Project Blue
- Book was created in June of 1951. Project Aquarius, became the overall
- umbrella operation controlling all these projects. Project Aquarius
- was funded by CIA confidential funds (non-appropriated). The Project
- assumed full responsibility for investigation and intelligence of
- UFOs/IACs in December 1969 after Project Grudge/Blue Book was closed.
- The purpose of Project Aquarius was to collect all scientific,
- technological, medical and intelligence information from UFO/IAC
- sightings and contacts with alien lifeforms. This orderly file of
- collected information has been used to advance the United States'
- Space Program and provided the data needed to develop present stealth
- technology.
- AQUARIUS; PROJECT PLATO: Originally established as part of Project
- SIGN in 1954 to establish diplomatic relations with the Aliens. This
- Project was successful when mutually acceptable terms were agreed
- upon. These terms involved the exchange of technology for secrecy of
- the Alien presence and non-interference in Alien affairs. This
- Project is controlled by a secret task force headquartered at the Los
- Alamos National Laboratories in New Mexico and is ongoing.
- AQUARIUS; PROJECT SIGMA: Conducts electronic communications with
- extraterrestrials, part of an on-going contact project run by and
- through the NSA since as early as late 1963 which led to the Holloman
- AFB incident of April 25, 1964. (See Exhibit 4).
- AQUARIUS; PROJECT GARNET: Closed down, supposedly, on completion of
- its studies. Project Garnet's purpose was to investigate
- extraterrestrial influence on human affairs and evolution.
- GRUDGE - AQUARIUS; PROJECT REDLIGHT: Originally established in
- 1954, the mission of Project Redlight was to test fly recovered alien
- craft. This project, carried out at Area 51 (Groom Lake) and Area S4
- in Nevada was postponed after every attempt resulted in destruction of
- the craft and the death of the pilots. Project Redlight was resumed
- in 1972 and has since been partially successful. UFO sightings of
- craft accompanied by black helicopters are Project Redlight's assets.
- This project is ongoing at Area 51 in Nevada.
- REDLIGHT; PROJECT SNOWBIRD: Originally established in 1954. Its
- mission was to develop [using conventional technology] and fly a
- flying saucer type craft for the public. This project was successful
- when a craft was built and flown in front of the press. This project
- was used to explain UFO sightings and to divert public attention from
- Project Redlight.
- AQUARIUS; PROJECT PLUTO: Established to evaluate all UFO/IAC
- information pertaining to the alien space visitors. This project is
- ongoing. Pluto is the proword for Pounce.
- PLUTO; PROJECT POUNCE: Originally known as Project Moondust, this
- project, was formed to recover all downed/crashed craft and aliens and
- provided cover stories and operations to mask the true endeavor when
- necessary. Covers which have been used: crashed experimental aircraft,
- construction, mining, etc. This project has also been successful and
- continues to this date.
- AQUARIUS; PROJECT GABRIEL: This project was tasked with developing
- a low frequency pulsed sound generator when it was determined that the
- alien weapons and craft would be vulnerable to this weapon. It is
- questionable whether this project exists today. It was derived from
- technology captured from Germany during and after WWII. Intelligence
- sources have verified its previous existence but cannot verify whether
- it is ongoing or has been terminated.
- AQUARIUS; PROJECT EXCALIBUR: Established to develop a weapon which
- would destroy the alien underground bases and any future underground
- bases which the aliens might construct. It is to be a missile capable
- of penetrating 1000 meters of tufa/hard packed soil such as that found
- in New Mexico with no operational damage. Missile apogee is not to
- exceed 30,000 feet AGL. Impact must not deviate in excess of 50 meters
- from a designated target. The device is designed to carry a 1-megaton
- nuclear warhead. This project is ongoing at the WX Division, LANL,
- Los Alamos, New Mexico but is still in development.
- In a secured area of the basement of CIA Headquarters in Langley,
- Virginia are sixteen columns of file cabinets containing thousands of
- folders of documented information collected from the beginning of the
- United States' investigation of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and
- Identified Alien Crafts (IAC). These are the files of Operation
- Majestic-12 and Project Aquarius and are known as "The Bible." This
- Bible contains all the various reports on aspects of alien
- visitations. Each president, since Truman, has been briefed on
- Operation Majestic-12.
- Some past and present members of Operation Majestic-12
- and MAJI include:
- Dr. Vannevar Bush - Science Advisor to President Truman.
- Dr. Detley Bronk -- Former John's Hopkins University.
- General Nathan Twining -- Former Air Force Chief of Staff.
- Richard Helms -- Former Director, Central Intelligence Agency
- (CIA).
- General Robert Cutler -- Former Asst. to President Eisenhower.
- Admiral Roscow H. Hillenkoetter -- Former Director of CIA
- Nelson Rockefeller - Advisor, President Eisenhower - Jason Society.
- Averill Harriman - Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) - Jason
- Society.
- George Kennan - CFR - Jason Society.
- Charles Bohlen - CFR - Jason Society.
- Allen Dulles - Former Director CIA - Jason Society.
- Dean Acheson - Presidential Adviser - CFR - Jason Society.
- John Foster Dulles - Former Secretary of State - Jason Society.
- Charles E. Wilson - Former Secretary of Defense - Jason Society.
- Adm. Arthur W. Radford - Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff -
- Jason Society.
- J. Edgar Hoover - Former Director FBI.
- Harold Brown -- Former Secretary of Defense.
- General Vernon Walters -- Former Defense Department.
- James Scheslinger -- Former White House Press Secretary.
- Admiral Robert "Bobby" Inman -- National Security Agency (NSA).
- John J. McCloy - (CFR) - Jason Society.
- Robert Lovett - CFR - Jason Society.
- Dr. Henry Kissinger -- CFR - Former Presidential Adviser.
- Gordon Dean - CFR.
- Lt. General Daniel O. Graham -- Former Defense Department.
- Dr. Theodore Von Karmon -- Former Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
- Dr. Edward Teller -- Physicist -- Father of the H-Bomb.
- Zbigniew Brzezniski - (CFR) - Jason Society.
- Dr. Lew Allen -- Former Director CIA. Currently Director Jet
- Propulsion Laboratory.
- John Poindexter -- Former Head of the National Security Agency
- (NSA).
- William Webster -- Former Director - CIA.
- George Bush -- Former Director CIA. Currently President of the
- United States.
- Robert M. Gates -- Director CIA (1991).
- The existence of Operation Majestic-12 has been revealed by the
- dissident element within Majority Twelve and leaked to the public on
- at least three occasions:
- 1) On April, 9, 1983 -- To independent television documentary
- producer Linda Howe. Ms. Howe was under contract with HBO (the cable
- TV network) to produce a documentary entitled "UFOs -- The ET Factor."
- On the above date, Ms. Howe was shown a document regarding
- Majestic-12, by an Air Force officer. It was entitled "A Briefing
- Paper for the President of the United States of America on the Subject
- of Unidentified Flying Vehicles." The name "Majic" was prominent at
- the head of the document. (See Exhibit 1)
- Note: Former Agent Richard Doty, Air Force Office of Special
- Investigations, is the officer mentioned in the above paragraph.
- In December 1984, via the mail, in a plain brown envelope, to
- private UFO investigator Bill Moore and his film producer friend, and
- associate, Mr. Jaime Shandera. Mr. Bill Moore is a well known private
- UFO investigator, and is co-author, with Charles Berlitz, of the book
- "The Roswell Incident." Unknown to the public is the fact that Bill
- Moore was recruited as an agent of the CIA.
- The envelope contained an undeveloped roll of 35mm film. When the
- film was processed it contained a photograph of a briefing paper
- prepared for President-elect Eisenhower, and other documents. The
- first page of the document is reproduced and shown as Exhibit A. Other
- sections of the document contained information regarding details of
- crashed UFOs and humanoid bodies, and information regarding the
- ultra-secret Operation Majestic-12 group which deals with these
- issues.
- 3) On May 31, 1987, when the existence of an ultra-secret U.S. UFO
- Project -- "Majestic," was published on the front page of the London
- Observer, a British newspaper. British writer Timothy Good, had
- obtained the information through sources connected with England's
- Ministry of Defense. In 1988, it was alleged that Bill Moore had
- become an agent of Operation Majestic-12 and had been "planted" in the
- civilian UFO movement for the purpose of providing dis-information to
- mis-guide and confuse other UFO researchers.
- 4/4/83 -- Project Zeus - SDI -- Shuttle Challenger, Mission STS-6
- NASA, KSC Release # 107-86
- The first flight of the Shuttle Challenger lifted off at 1:30 p.m.
- EST this date. Payload: TDRS-A, a tracking and data relay satellite,
- deployed on the first day of the mission. This mission also included
- the first spacewalk which lasted 4 hours and 17 minutes.
- Commander: Paul H. Weitz
- Pilot: Karol H. Bobko
- Mission Specialists:
- Donald H. Peterson
- Dr. Story Musgrave
- 8/30/84 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Discovery, Mission
- STS-41-D. NASA: Release # PMS-204-A
- The was the maiden flight of the Space Shuttle Discovery. It was
- launched at 8:41 a.m., this date.
- Payload: Two communications satellites (SBS-D and Telstar 3-C) and one
- SYNCOM IV-2 for DOD.
- Commander: Henry W. Hartsfield, Jr.
- Pilot: Michael L. Coats
- Mission Specialists:
- Judith A. Resnick (female)
- Steven A. Hawley
- Richard M. Mullane
- Payload Specialist: Charles D. Walker (McDonnell Douglas)
- 11/8/84 -- Project Zeus - SDI -- Shuttle Discovery, Mission STS
- 51-A NASA: Release # PMS-204-A, January 1988
- The Shuttle Discovery was launched at 7:15 a.m. this date. STS 51-A
- had two primary objectives, to deploy the ANIK-D2 (a Canadian
- communications satellite) and SYNCOM IV-1 for DOD. In addition, to
- capture and return to Earth two satellites placed in improper orbits
- by a faulty launch from STS 41-G.
- Payload: ANIK-D2 and SYNCOM IV-1 (DOD)
- Commander: Frederick H. Hauck
- Pilot: David M. Walker
- Mission Specialists:
- Joseph P. Allen
- Anna L. Fisher (female)
- 1/24/85 -- Project Zeus - - SDI -- Shuttle Discovery,Mission
- STS-51-C. NASA, KSC Release # PMS-205, August 1986
- This was the first Space Shuttle mission totally dedicated to the
- Department of Defense. Its cargo was classified.
- Commander: Thomas C. Mattingly
- Pilot: Loren H. Shriver
- Mission Specialists:
- James F. Buchli
- Ellison S. Onizuka
- Payload Specialist: Gary E. Payton, USAF
- Note: The payload was two orbiting spy satellites and three orbiting
- laser mirrors for SDI.
- 4/12/85 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Discovery, Mission
- STS-51-D. NASA, KSC Release # PMS)005, August 1986
- Discovery lifted off from KSC at 8:59 a.m. EST this date. Payload:
- An Anik C-1 spacecraft (Satellite) for the Canadian government, and
- SYNCOM IV-3 spacecraft with satellite for the Defense Department
- (DOD).
- The SYNCOM series of rocket propelled communication satellites each
- comes with its own booster stage, identical to the third stage booster
- of a Minuteman Missile. These satellites are used primarily for
- Department of Defense (DOD) high-priority communications.
- Commander: Karol H. Bobko
- Pilot: Donald E. Williams
- Mission Specialists:
- M. Rhea Seddon (female)
- S. David Griggs
- Jeffrey A. Hoffman
- Payload Specialist: Charles D. Walker, McDonnell Douglas
- Observer: E. H. "Jake" Garn - U.S. Senator.
- This flight included the first flight of an elected official,
- Senator E. H. "Jake" Garn (R-Utah), Chairman of the Senate committee
- with oversight responsibilities for NASA's budget.
- 6/17/85 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Discovery, Mission
- STS-51-G. NASA, Release PMS-005, August 1986
- The Shuttle Discovery was launched at 7:33 a.m., this date.
- Payload: Three communication satellites (1 for Saudi Arabia, 1 for
- Mexico and 1 Telstar for AT&T). In addition, seven unnamed canisters
- were launched. Also launched was the (HPTE) High Precision Tracking
- Experiment for the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) -- Star Wars.
- Commander: Daniel C. Brandenstein
- Pilot: John O. Creighton
- Mission Specialists:
- Shannon W. Lucid
- Steven R. Nagel
- John M. Fabian
- Payload Specialists: Patrick Baudry (France) Prince
- Sultan
- Salman Al-Saud (Saudi Arabia)
- 8/27/85 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Discovery,Mission
- STS-51-I. NASA: Release PMS-005
- The Shuttle Discovery was launched at 6:58 a.m., this date. This
- mission had the unusual responsibility of recovering and repairing the
- SYNCOM IV-3 Satellite launched by Discovery in April (Mission
- STS-51-D, 4/29/85).
- In addition, SYNCOM IV-4, for the DOD was launched and deployed on
- 4/29/89. Two communications Satellites were also launched: one for
- Australia and one for the American Satellite Company.
- Payload: SYNCOM IV-4 (DOD), Aussat-1, ASC-1.
- Commander: Joe H. Engle
- Pilot: Richard O. Covey
- Mission Specialists:
- James Van Hoften
- John M. Lounge
- William S. Fisher
- 10/3/85 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Atlantis, Mission
- STS-51-J. NASA Release # PMS-005 KSC
- This was the maiden flight of the Shuttle Atlantis and the second
- mission dedicated solely to the Department of Defense (DOD). Its cargo
- was classified. The mission was declared successful.
- Commander: Karol J. "Bo" Bobko
- Pilot: Ronald H. Grabe
- Mission Specialists:
- David C. Hilmers
- Robert L. Stewart
- Payload Specialist: William Pailes (USAF)
- 1/28/86 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Challenger, Mission
- STS-51-L. NASA: Release # PMS-005
- The Shuttle Challenger was launched at 11:37 a.m., this date. This
- was the first mission which included 2 women on the crew. At just
- under 74 seconds into the flight an explosion occurred, which caused
- the loss of the Shuttle Challenger and its crew.
- Payload: A TDRS (Tracking and Data Relay) Satellite for SDI, a Spartan
- free flying module designed to operate independently of Challenger and
- to be used for observing Halley's Comet with two ultra-violet
- spectrometers and 2 cameras.
- Commander: Francis R. Scobee
- Pilot: Michael J. Smith
- Mission Specialists:
- Judith A. Resnick (female)
- Ellison Onizuka
- Robert E. McNair
- S. Christa McAuliffe (female) Teacher, passenger and observer
- Payload Specialist: Gregory B. Jarvis (Hughes Aircraft Co.)
- 9/29/88 -- Project Zeus -- SDI --Shuttle Discovery, Mission STS-26.
- NASA Pub # MR-026, NASA Facts, KSC Release No. 27-89
- Payload: A 4,905 pound communications Satellite (The Tracking and Data
- Relay Satellite-TDRS) one of the largest and heaviest applications
- satellites ever sent into orbit. TDRS-C was the prime objective of the
- mission, and is expected to improve Earth-to-space and space-to-earth
- voice and data exchanges. TDRS-C will increase the capacity of command
- data flows for unmanned research and applications satellites orbiting
- at relatively low altitudes. The STS-26 crew are all experienced
- astronauts.
- Commander: Frederick H. Hauck (Capt. USN)
- Pilot: Richard Covey (Lt. Col. USAF)
- Mission Specialists:
- David C. Hilmers (Lt. Col. USAF)
- John M. Lounge (USN, Retired)
- George D. Nelson - Astronomer
- The TDRS-C satellite was lifted to its 22,302 mile orbit by an AF
- IUS rocket, after being deployed by the shuttle, for positioning over
- the equator north of the Phoenix Islands, south of Hawaii, in the
- Pacific Ocean (171 Degrees west longitude). There the satellite can
- work in tandem with an identical TDRS-1 positioned in geosynchronous
- orbit in 1983 over the Atlantic Ocean near Fortaleza, Brazil (41
- degrees west longitude). These two satellites can act as data relays
- for other satellites.
- TDRS-C will maintain nearly uninterrupted communications with the
- ground and will rapidly transmit huge volumes of data.
- So vast is the capacity of these two satellites that, at their
- highest transmission rates, they can in a single second transfer data
- equaling the contents of a 20-volume encyclopedia with 1200 pages in
- each volume and 2000 words on each page.
- A third Tracking and Data Relay Satellite, TDRS-D, will be launched
- at a later date and deployed over the Atlantic Ocean. It will replace
- TDRS-1, which will be relocated south of White Sands, New Mexico where
- it will serve as an in-orbit spare.
- One communications experiment inside the shuttle spacecraft was the
- testing of a new voice communications system using infrared waves
- rather than standard radio frequencies. An advantage of infrared is it
- cannot pass through the spacecraft's windows as can radio waves.
- Infrared communications would prevent a spacecraft from eavesdropping,
- thus protecting sensitive astronaut conversations, and enhancing
- security, and the crew's privacy.
- Note: This extraordinary procedure must pertain to the Greys. Note
- the word "spacecraft." Whose? Earlier NASA Missions had reported UFO
- encounters. The Greys are suspicious.
- 12/2/88 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Atlantis, Mission STS-27.
- NASA Facts, KSC Release No. 84-88
- The newest shuttle Atlantis lifted off today from Kennedy Space
- Center on a classified mission for the Department of Defense.
- This flight is the first of three national security missions
- conducted in fiscal 1989 by NASA for the Defense Department. STS-27
- will have a five-member crew. All are military personnel.
- Commander: Robert L. Gibson (Cmdr. USN)
- Pilot: Guy S. Gardner (Lt.Col. USAF)
- Mission Specialists:
- Richard M. Mullane (Col. USAF)
- Jerry L. Ross (Lt.Col. USAF)
- William M. Shepard (Cmdr. USN)
- The Shuttle Atlantis has flown twice before: Mission 51-H in
- October 1985, a classified DOD mission; and 61-B in November 1985.
- Note: The payload consisted of two orbiting mirrors for SDI
- (Project Zeus) and a communications and spy satellite for DOD.
- 3/13/89 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Shuttle Discovery, Mission
- STS-29. NASA Facts, KSC Release No. 8-89
- The Space Shuttle Discovery launched at 9:57 a.m. EST today has as
- its primary objective the deployment of a Tracking and Data Relay
- Satellite (TDRS-D).
- The TDRS-D, to become TDRS-4 in orbit, will be deployed on the
- first day of the mission. The satellite will join TDRS-1 and -3 in
- orbit to provide high-capacity communications and data links.
- TDRS-1, also designated TDRS-East, is now in geosynchronous orbit
- over the Atlantic Ocean just east of Brazil. TDRS-3, designated
- TDRS-West, was launched by Discovery on mission STS-26 in September of
- 1988, and is positioned over the Pacific Ocean south of Hawaii. TDRS-4
- will replace TDRS-1 over the Atlantic as TDRS-East. TDRS-1 will then
- be relocated south of White Sands, New Mexico where it will serve as
- an in-orbit spare.
- The five member crew of Discovery for STS-29 are:
- Commander: Michael L. Coats (Capt. USN)
- Pilot: John E. Blaha (Col. USAF)
- Mission Specialists:
- James F. Buchli (Col. USMC)
- Robert C. Springer (Col. USMC)
- James R. Bagian (M.D.) Civilian Doctor
- In addition to launching the TDRS Satellite, the crew of Discovery
- will conduct numerous scientific experiments and photograph the Earth
- with a hand-held IMAX camera.
- 4/26/89 -- Project Zeus -- SDI -- Magellan Venus Probe, Shuttle
- Atlantis, Mission STS-30. AP Wire:
- The Atlantis commander says his crew is mighty proud to be part of
- the first space shuttle planetary mission scheduled to blast-off this
- Friday. The countdown, which started Tuesday, continued toward a
- liftoff at 2:24 p.m. Friday.
- Six hours after launch, astronauts Mark Lee and Mary Cleave are to
- release the 7,600-pound Magellan probe and a rocket to propel it on a
- 468-day journey to Venus. Magellan is to reach its destination in
- August 1990, swooping into orbit around Venus to begin a 243-day
- period during which it is to map up to 90 percent of the
- cloud-shrouded planet's surface with the probe's high resolution radar
- system.
- "We're not really in charge of the deep space probe," said
- Commander David Walker. "We're fortunate enough to be part of the team
- that gets to send it up there. The rest of the NASA team will make
- sure that it gets to Venus and does its job."
- UPDATE: NASA, KSC Release # 24-89, March 1989
- Magellan marks the first U.S. planetary mission since Pioneer Venus
- 12 in 1978. It also kicks off a core program of solar system
- exploration involving NASA and organizations from the United States
- and the international community.
- Project ZEUS: One of the payload experiments on this Shuttle
- Mission includes the Mesoscale Lighting Experiment, a NASA sponsored
- effort involving several universities. Its objective is to study the
- visual characteristics of large scale lighting in the upper
- atmosphere.
- Note: Part of the Project Zeus effort to study laser beam diffusion
- in the upper atmosphere.
- In addition, as another experiment, the Shuttle Atlantis will act
- as a calibration point for a third experiment involving the Air Force
- Maui Optical System Facility in Hawaii.
- Note: Project Zeus - SDI Experiment.
- Although unstated in this NASA Release, Atlantis is acting as an
- orbital target being tracked by the Air Force facility (SDI ground
- based laser facility) named in the above paragraph.
- 1989 -- 8/8/89 -- Project Zeus - SDI -- Shuttle Columbia -- Mission
- ?? AP Wire & Mercury News Service 7/27/89
- The Space Shuttle Columbia lifts off with five military astronauts
- and a classified Pentagon spy satellite. Columbia will be making the
- 30th shuttle flight and the fourth this year, solely dedicated to the
- Defense Department. For national security purposes, the Pentagon would
- not permit NASA to announce the exact liftoff time or the length of
- the mission.
- Note: The payload is the last of 4 orbiting laser mirrors for SDI.
- With this mission completed, SDI becomes partly operational. It is
- estimated that SDI will become fully operational within the next 12
- months, barring unforeseen events.
- Note: The following NASA launch information was derived from the
- American Academic Encyclopedia. The Project Zeus (SDI) comments, are
- those of the Phoenix Project.
- 1989 -- 8/13/89 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle Columbia
- The 30th mission, flown by Brewster H. Shaw, Jr., and a crew of four,
- orbited another military satellite.
- 1989 -- 11/22/89 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle Discovery
- The 32d mission, flown on Discovery by Frederick M. Gregory and a
- crew of four, launched a spy satellite.
- 1990 -- 1/9/90 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle Columbia
- On Jan. 9, 1990, Daniel Brandenstein and a crew of four flew Columbia
- to launch Syncom IV and to retrieve the Long Duration Exposure
- Facility, a research satellite left in space for six years.
- 1990 -- 2/28/90 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle Atlantis
- Another spy satellite mission followed on Feb. 28-Mar. 4, 1990, when
- John O. Creighton and a crew of four flew Atlantis.
- 1990 -- 4/24/90 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle Discovery
- The long-awaited Hubble SPACE TELESCOPE was finally placed in a high
- orbit by Discovery's crew of four, commanded by Loren J. Shriver,
- during the Apr. 24-29, 1990 flight, but Columbia, scheduled for launch
- the following month, was grounded by a series of hydrogen leaks, as
- was Atlantis.
- 1990 -- 11/15/90 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle Atlantis
- The 37th flight of the space shuttle program took place on Atlantis,
- from Nov. 15-20, 1990, carrying a secret military payload into orbit.
- Unconfirmed reports suggested that Atlantis carried a spy satellite
- intended to monitor activities in Iraq and the Persian Gulf region.
- Mission commander was Air Force Col. Richard O. Covey, and he was
- assisted by a crew of four.
- 1991 -- 4/28/91 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle Discovery
- Space shuttle Discovery was launched on Apr. 28, 1991, and returned to
- Earth on May 6. Its military mission was concerned with collecting
- data for the Strategic Defense Initiative ("Star Wars") antimissile
- program. Mission commander was U.S. Navy Capt. Michael L. Coats. He
- was assisted by a pilot and crew of four.
- 1991 -- 8/2/91 -- Project Zeus - SDI - Shuttle Atlantis
- Flight number 42 for the Space Shuttle program--and the ninth for the
- Atlantis--was launched on Aug. 2, 1991, and returned safely to Earth
- on August 11. The crew, under the command of Air Force Col. John E.
- Blaha, consisted of three men and one woman. The mission successfully
- deployed the Department of Defense's large Tracking and Data Relay
- Satellite, sending it into an orbit about 22,000 miles (35,400 km)
- above the equator. The mission also conducted experiments on the ozone
- layer, made medical experiments, and tested computer and mechanical
- equipment.
- ...end of file
- [ For a complete, printed copy of the entire document,
- including all exhibits, contact Advent Publishing Company
- at the address supplied. ]
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